Aries sign and ascendant


Title: Exploring the 12 Zodiac Signs: From the Passion of Aries to the Intuition of Pisces


The universe of the zodiacs has fascinated mankind for centuries, offering a fascinating window into understanding human personalities and behaviors. In this article, we will explore the 12 zodiac signs in detail, starting with energetic Aries and ending with the intuitive and sensitive Pisces. We will discover the birth dates of each sign, the planets that rule them and the distinctive characteristics that are in them.

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Passion and Determination

The sign of Aries, ruled by Mars, represents the beginning of the zodiacal cycle. People born under this sign are known for their fiery passion, determination, and infectious energy. Guided by the element of fire, Aries love adventure and face life with enthusiasm.
The ram as well as being known because it is lively, enthusiastic, infantile is selfish, it also has the instinct for action in its ropes, like the ram animal butts its way


Schema dell'ascendente in base all'ora di nascita del SEGNO: ARIETE
